Our Team
The People Behind the Agency
Executive Team
Todd Phelan
President & CEO
Brent Phelan
President & CEO
Jeff Francis
COO & Risk Manager
Administrative Team
Julia Kremer
Lindsey Burke
Accounting Manager
Elena Bulcher
Accounting Assistant
Melissa Shappie
Information Systems Manager
Sara Wagner
Quality Control Manager
Tony Hereld
Business Development
Michelle Garrett
Claims Manager
Business Team
Angie DeMange
Account Executive
Amanda Phelan
Account Executive
David Coons
Account Executive
Damien Richard
Account Executive
Noah Richard
Account Executive
Erich Matt
Account Executive
Jacob Brownley
Account Executive
Mark Hassler
Account Executive
Jackson Subler
Account Executive
Madison Werner
Account Executive
Kelsey Custenborder
Account Executive
Deb Less
Account Manager
Breanne Cregar
Account Manager
Colleen Jones
Account Manager
Caitlin McNeilan
Account Manager
Kristi Setser
Account Manager
Carrie DeMange
Account Manager
Katerri Meyer
Account Manager
Molly Barga
Account Manager
Employee Benefits Team
Pat Custenborder
Employee Benefits Consultant
Chris Gigandet
Employee Benefits Consultant
Tyler Gigandet
Employee Benefits Consultant
Karen Murphy
Account Manager
Megan Willis
Account Manager
Jennifer Allen
Account Manager
Kelsey Yount
Account Manager
Julie Rindler
Quality Control
Meagan Kindell
Quality Control
Personal Team
Cindy Langston
Account Manager
Angi Tipton
Account Manager
Ashlee Benton
Account Manager